Everybody cheers, and Henry says, "Now, I can go play." We see he is in bed with his beautiful mistress Elizabeth Blount. Henry comes in declaring the French have aggressive tendencies and the murder of his uncle is cause for war. Switching to Whitehall Palace in London, we discover the murdered man was King Henry VIII's uncle and the ambassador. After briefly explaining this is the purpose of the meeting, the man is stabbed to death. Walking past men in purple robes, he asks what the French are doing there. The men meeting him tell him the Duke wants him right away.
#The tudors season 1 episode 10 sec scene series
The very first episode of the series opens at Ducal Palace in Italy, where a man comes out of a carriage clearly not happy. However, the King's domestic affairs are threatened when he discovers his young and beautiful mistress Elizabeth Blount, lady in waiting to Queen Catherine of Aragon, is pregnant with his child. Wolsey proposes that Henry should endorse a "Treaty of Universal Peace" which is meant to bring peace and harmony to Europe. Following the advice of his chancellor, Cardinal Wolsey, Henry decides against this action. King Henry VIII of England contemplates declaring war on France after the assassination of his uncle. Henry's domestic affairs are threatened when he discovers that his mistress Elizabeth Blount is pregnant with his child. It introduces King Henry VIII, the young, ambitious, sexy monarch of England.

"In Cold Blood" is the first episode of the first season of The Tudors, and the first episode overall. Charles McDougall & Steve Shill Episode guide Next Simply Henry (1.02)